You know those foods that are healthy as long as eaten in moderation? Like avocados, for instance, they are great for you – healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, all sorts of good stuff. But once you have about 6 in one sitting, sadly it is probably not so good for you… The same holds true for peanut butter.
Yet I’m really somewhat obsessed with eating lots anyhow. I put peanut butter on my toast pretty much every morning (I eat the same thing basically every day for breakfast – whole wheat toast, peanut butter and sliced banana, delicious!) or I have peanut butter as a snack on a sliced apple or a rice cake. I even had a bonding moment with a friend a while back when we both realized we would eat peanut butter straight out of the jar, by the spoonful. Say what you will, but you just can’t beat it!